Solar energy harnessed from the sun’s natural rays has proven to be one of the best forms of renewable green energy available. Harnessing the sun’s power comes with numerous advantages, which include reducing reliance on non-renewable fossil fuels. However, the question often asked is- how reliable is this energy? The experts discuss the factors that make solar energy and solar power reliable- or unreliable;

  1. Low Failure Rate

Solar panels have a high level of dependability and longevity. Between 2000 and 2015, 54,500 panels were placed, according to the experts. They discovered that just 5 out of 10,000 panels failed per year. Solar panels have a failure rate of just 0.05 percent. Knowing that we are now in the 2020s and the production process has progressed, you can be sure that the current failure rate is much lower! 

Solar panel manufacturers may provide power output guarantees of 25 or 30 years due to their high degree of dependability. To put it another way, the chances of your solar system failing are very slim. If this occurs, you will be protected by the warranty, and the panel will be replaced at no cost to you. 

Steven Emerson, Technical Expert Mobile Biponi

  1. Declining Costs and Rising Acceptance

Solar energy is a huge part of modern electric reliability. Its declining cost and rising acceptance as a dependable natural resource have established it as the most flexible choice for new electric generation. Its ability to be implemented at nearly any scale, from rooftop to local to regional, across a wide range of environments, offers solutions to all sorts of reliability issues, particularly when combined with emerging battery storage solutions.

While solar can be a reliable source of energy, the key to optimizing a solar project is all about siting; location, location, location. Greenfield development demands diligence from the very first step. Using the best tools available for planning these projects increases the chances of full development and ensures your site will be as productive as it can be. 

What technologies does the site demand? Will the topography allow for a tracked system, or will a fixed-tilt system be required? Are there water features that will constrain the system? How will it connect to the point of interconnection, and who’s property will you need to cross? How will shading from neighboring parcels affect the system’s design and output? 

Steve Roberson, Founder MapRight

  1. Most Abundant Energy Source

It’s safe to say that solar energy is highly reliable since it’s the most abundant energy source on earth. There’s no other energy source that offers a greater lifespan than solar panels. Besides, solar panels are not only durable but also require minimum maintenance to keep operating, which gives solar energy another significant point in favor when it comes to reliability.

The primary concern in people’s minds when they talk about solar energy is that all of those solar panels will be useless during the nighttime or seasons of the year when the sun is barely out; however, that couldn’t be more wrong. 

  1. Battery Backup

Nowadays, most solar panels come with a battery storage system that allows people to have power when the sun isn’t out. Overall, solar energy is a cost-effective alternative to fossil fuels that offer higher efficiency while having a tremendous positive impact on today’s world.

Jesse David Thé, CEO of Tauria

  1. Steadily Improving

Solar energy has been lurking under the energy sector surface for decades now, slowly building its credibility and feasibility. Where once solar energy was expensive beyond belief, it is now out-competing coal and natural gas. This has been due to decades upon decades of innovation and steadfast determination within the solar market. New technology has made solar panels both cheaper AND more reliable, which has brought them into the bright spotlight of today’s energy market. 

  1. Long Life Span

What attracts many consumers (whether they be homeowners, businesses, municipalities, or utilities) to solar is its reliability, flexibility, and ease of expansion. Because solar panels have no moving parts, they require nearly no maintenance (as opposed to wind turbines, generators, power plants, etc.). So much so that solar panel manufacturers provide upwards of 30-year production guarantees for all their panels, ensuring their solar panels will produce upwards of 90% of their original production capacity after those 30 years.

  1. Can Be Installed In Majority of The Locations

On top of that, solar panels can be installed in a variety of locations, whether on a roof, the side of a building, over a parking lot or in an open field. As long as the area receives enough sun, it’s an attractive candidate for solar.  

  1. Flexibility and Expandability

And what if you need to produce more energy in the future? Well, slap some more solar panels on that array, baby! This ease of capacity expansion is only feasible with solar panels. Good luck pitching a new wind turbine in your field or slapping together a coal power plant overnight. Only solar can boast that level of flexibility and expandability.

The only major hurdle of solar at this time is community acceptance (though solar education is quickly reversing this) and intermittent energy production. However, with the huge advancements in battery technology, solar is quickly overcoming these hurdles. Tim Deters, Content Manager for Green Ridge Solar

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Maynard, our Senior Project Manager spearheads our project team and leads through planning, organizing, and controlling our projects from the ground up.


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